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  • Multi-City Panel of Land Use Reforms
    Housing and Housing Finance
    multi_city_reforms_clean_1.csv ( Mar 21, 2023 )
    43.62 KB

    Technical Appendix.pdf ( Aug 13, 2021 )
    240.34 KB

    Dataset Info
    1. Modified 2024-07-03
    2. Release Date 2021-08-13
    3. Temporal Coverage
    4. License cc-nc
    5. Granularity
    6. Contact Name Urban Institute
    7. Contact Email [email protected]
    8. Public Access Level public
    Urban Extended Info
    1. Modified 2024-07-03
    2. Release Date 2021-08-13
    3. Geographic Level
    4. Data Value
    5. Data Quality We created this dataset using machine learning to analyze newspaper articles, and it is likely that many land-use reforms in the target cities are missed. This dataset should be used with caution when examining all land-use reform changes in a city.
    6. Urban Publications
    7. Citation Requirements Stacy, Plerhoples Christina, Christopher Davis, Alena Stern, and Vivian Sihan Zheng. Urban Institute. 2021. Multicity Panel of Land-Use Reforms. Accessible from Data developed at the Urban Institute and made available under the Creative Commons Non-Commercial (2.5) License.
    Geographic Level Census Place Code
    Tags Land Use Reforms Density Housing Zoning