Below is a listing of each of the columns in the data and its description | column_name | description | |:-------------|:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | full_address | The full address as a single line (ie 123 Example Street, San Jose CA, 12345) | | address | Just the number and street part of an address (ie 123 Example Street) | | city | Just the city in an address (ie San Jose | | state | Just the state in an address (ie CA) | | zip | Just the zip code in an address (ie 12345) | | lat_true | The manually confirmed latitude coordinate for a given address. CRS: 4326 | | lon_true | The manually confirmed latitude coordinate for a given address. CRS: 4326 | | diff_level | The difficulty level for an address. All addreesses have a difficulty level 1, 2, and 3 version. Difficulty level 1 is the full correctly formatted address. Difficulty level 2 has one or two typos/misspellings. Difficulty level 3 has the same typos/misspelling as well as missing information, like missing Zip codes or states. |