This interactive data tool allows for specialized searches and flexible data presentation from the Census of Governments State and Local Finance series. This series contains detailed revenue, expenditure, and debt variables for the US, each of the 50 states, and the District of Columbia from 1977 to 2016. The data are available by type of government (state, local, county, etc.), and users can view the data along five dimensions: total (in real or nominal dollars), per capita, fraction of personal income, fraction of general revenue, and fraction of total expenditures.
Dataset Info
- Modified 2024-07-10
- Release Date 2019-03-25
- Temporal Coverage
- License odc-by
- Granularity
- Contact Name Richard Auxier
- Contact Email [email protected]
- Public Access Level public
Urban Extended Info
- Modified 2024-07-10
- Release Date 2019-03-25
- Geographic Level
- Data Value
- Data Quality All data represent state aggregates of finance data for the selected level of government.
- Urban Publications
- Citation Requirements Urban Institute. 2019. State and Local Finance Initiative Data Query System (SLF-DQS). Accessible from Data originally sourced from Annual Survey of State and Local Government Finances, developed at the Urban Institute, and made available under the ODC-BY 1.0 Attribution License.