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  • State-by-State Spending on Kids Dataset
    Children Families Income and Wealth Poverty, Vulnerability, and the Safety Net Education and Training Taxes and Budget Health and Health Policy
    State-by-State Spending on Kids.xlsx ( Jan 26, 2021 )
    43.64 KB

    Dataset Info
    1. Modified 2024-07-03
    2. Release Date 2020-08-31
    3. Temporal Coverage 1997-01-01T00:00:00
    4. License odc-by
    5. Granularity State-by-year
    6. Contact Name Greenberg, Erica
    7. Contact Email [email protected]
    8. Public Access Level public
    Urban Extended Info
    1. Modified 2024-07-03
    2. Release Date 2020-08-31
    3. Geographic Level
    4. Data Value
    5. Data Quality Please see the data dictionary for source and imputation information. Data are limited by the categories included in source datasets and by availability in some states and years.
    6. Urban Publications
    7. Citation Requirements Isaacs, Julia, Eleanor Lauderback, and Erica Greenberg. 2020. State-by-State Spending on Kids Dataset. Accessible from Data originally collected from multiple sources, developed at the Urban Institute, and made available under the ODC-BY 1.0 Attribution License.
    Geographic Level State
    Tags Education health safety net